The "Ovidiu Oana" private bell collection
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Go up to the albums list Album Books about bells (54 images, size 13.97 MB)
Pages: <3 4 5 6
Volumul: Clopotul Tacerii

Autor: Elaine Hamilton

Editura: Danubius, 1942
50. Clopotul Tacerii
Volumul: Ritmuri de clopote

Autor: Scarlat Calimachi

Editura Pentru Literatură, 1968
51. Ritmuri de clopote
Les cloches de Bale - Louis ARAGON

Ed. DENOEL, 1934
52. Les cloches de Bale
Les Cloches de Bâle 

- Ed. Princeps, GALLIMARD, 1972
53. Les Cloches de Bâle
Wedding Bells for Land Girls - Jenny Holmes

54. Wedding Bells for Land Girls
Where bluebells chime - Elizabeth Elgin, Ed. Harper Collins, 1996
55. Where bluebells chime
This is a part of books and documents of my library I used to write the trilogy.
Books and documents about bells
Despre clopote şi clopotari în Ţările Române în secolele XIV - XIX

Autor: Constantin A. STOIDE

Editura: DEMIURG, 2015

Nr. pagini: 152 pagini
Despre clopote şi clopotari în Ţările Române
136 studies, over 1500 pages of studies and scientific treatises on bells and rattles are in my collection.

They have as prestigious authors personalities of the scientific world and I consulted them for the elaboration of the volume THE PROJECT OF A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, the only universal history of the bells from the origins.

The volume was published in 2019 by CORESI Publishing House and has approx. 500 pages.
Pages: <3 4 5 6

The pictures found on this site present bells from a private collection.
Some icons are copyright ©2000-2003 Novell and Jakub Steiner.
All other contents is copyright ©2004-2024 Ovidiu Oana. More info.