The "Ovidiu Oana" private bell collection
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Volum de poezie al autorului George Badarau.

Aparut la Editura Junimea in 1987
28 - Singuratatea clopotelor
The great bell og Beijing is a chinesse legend takking about human sacrifice during the cast.
29-The great bell of Beijing

30-Musica daco-romana
An history of french bells and christian period in Europe.

This book is a gift from a special friend, Mrs. Claudia Dumitru from France.

Jean Pierre Rama have also added some introductive ellements into this bells history but his knowledge is limited to very few pcs from Asia and Africa and do not describe the bells evolution.

In fact, this book is not an world enciclopedy of the bells as mine, but a book about bells.
31-Cloches de France et d'ailleur
A book about symbolism of objects and abstracts.
32-Lumea simbolurilor
Preot prof. univ. dr. Daniel Benga, Istoria și semnificația clopotului și a toacei în Biserica Ortodoxă, carte publicată cu binecuvântarea Preafericitului Părinte Daniel, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, București, Cuvântul Vieții, 2016, ISBN: 978-973-7866-33-2
33-Clopotele și toaca
A cathalog edited by American Bell Association
38-Collectible bells
A Schiffer Book for Collectors, Author Donna S. Baker, 1999

With the contribution of American Bell Association.
39-More collectible bells
A Treasury of Archaeological Bells- Nathaniel Spear, Jr. 

Hastings House Publishers, 1978. Hardcover, 274pp.
40-A Treasury of Archaeological Bells
Pages: < 1 2 3 4 5 6 >

The pictures found on this site present bells from a private collection.
Some icons are copyright ©2000-2003 Novell and Jakub Steiner.
All other contents is copyright ©2004-2024 Ovidiu Oana. More info.