The "Ovidiu Oana" private bell collection
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The bells provenience is from antique Vindobona (today Wien, Austria).

Under Emperor Claudius (10 B.C. - 54 A.D.) the Romans established here a permanent camp.


Weight: 17.30 to 23.87g

H:16 to 27mm
Baby elephant bell cronze cast in The Kingdom of Sukhothai, an early kingdom in the area around the city Sukhothai, in north central Thailand. The Kingdom existed from 1238 until 1438.
Sukhothai Kingdom - Siam
This antique ethnic metal bell pendant originates from Nepal, cast aprox XII-XIV,th century.

The pendant measures 5 cm by 3.5 cm by 3 cm. Its weight is 60 gram.

Traditional Tharu worship various gods in the form of animals such as dogs, crow, ox and cows. Such gods are seen in Hinduism. Every village has their own deity, commonly known as Bhuinyar. Tharu in East Nepal call their deity Gor-raja.

Most Tharu households own a statue of a traditional god. Family members often offer animal's blood sacrifices to appease the god. Animals such as pigeons and chickens are used for sacrificial purposes. Milk and silk cloth are also used. Many Tharu would also use the blood of one of the male members in the family for such rituals. Such rituals are conducted through ceremonies, and superficial cuts are made forehead, arms, throat, legs, and/or chest.

The gods are believed to have the ability to heal diseases and sickness. According to traditional legend, gods are given a bhakal, a promise of something, on condition that the sickness is cured, in any events of misfortunes, plagues and horror dreams. A relative's death is an event of great significance among Tharu, and rituals conducted varies in accordance to regions.

Tharu would approach shamans as doctors, known as Guruba. Such shamans use Buddhist medicines to cure illness. Shamans will also try to appease gods through incantations, beating drums and offering sacrifices. The Tharu believe sickness comes when the gods are displeased, and the demons are at work.
Tharu bell Nepal
Clopotele perioadei Elamite și Kassite

Cele trei clopote au fost turnate din bronz în jurul anului 800 î.Hr. în Lorestân (ținutul Lors). 

Dinastiile Elamita și Kassites au fost constituite de indo-iranieni în timpul primului mileniu î.en.

This three bronze bells were cast arround 800 BC in Lorestân (the land of Lors).

The Elamite and the Kassite dynasties were overtaken by the Indo-Iranians during the first millennium BC.
The Elamite and the Kassite bells
Mărturia Kassites – Lorestân [mileniul II î.e.n.]

A fost Mesopotamia leagănul civilizaţiei? Controversele persistă.

Clopoţelul meu din Munţii Zagros îşi strigă mut obârşia, dar şi chemarea:

"Hei! Voi, cei de astăzi! Ce şi cum aţi fi fost fără noi?"

Coroana clopoţeilor mei antici, o piesă de pe vremea când lumea punea temelia viitorului pe care îl trăim noi …
The Kassites – Lorestân
Bronze period in Romania is divided into Early Bronze Age (c. 3500-2200 BC), Middle Bronze Age (cca.2200 - 1600/1500 BC) and Late Bronze Age (c. 1600/1500 - 1100 BC).

Starting from late Early Bronze meet broad types of ornaments (loop rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants) worked particularly copper, gold, silver and bronze, but also bells and other ornaments.

I dated my bell respecting the expertise of a similar piece from the Museum of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca. 

In the absence of technical expertise, mine bell might be dated as cast anytime between c. XVI - XIII BC.

NOTE: My bell looks very much like another bronze bell, 6 x 4.5 cm size, play in the custody of the History Museum of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca (nr. Inv. 18.533)

My bell is taller with 2 mm.
Thracian bell
Ancient viking pair bronze bells, artifacts found in the Viking fortification area of Dublin, Ireland.

Bells was cast before the end of the first millennium, A.D.
Viking crotals Ireland
Ancient bronze bell cast Kievan Russsia 9 - 11th century.

The shape have certain viking influences derivated from early celts.
Viking Kievan bell
Quadrangular bronze bell cast in Kievan Russia 9 - 11th century.
Viking Kievan bell Q
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The pictures found on this site present bells from a private collection.
Some icons are copyright ©2000-2003 Novell and Jakub Steiner.
All other contents is copyright ©2004-2024 Ovidiu Oana. More info.