The "Ovidiu Oana" private bell collection
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Go up to the albums list Viewing picture 9. Nanny bell in album 2. Clay & Stone bells
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Picture details

Last modified: 2019-03-12 16:41:09

- Name: Nanny (shegoat) bell
- Description: White clay bell with a ball as clapper.
- Total high: 6,0 cm; 2,362 inches;
- Lenght: 9,2 cm; 3,622 inches;
- Widht: 4,0 cm; 1,575 inches;

- Country of origin: Cehia
- Acquired: A gift from my daughter Cora-Cosmina.
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The pictures found on this site present bells from a private collection.
Some icons are copyright ©2000-2003 Novell and Jakub Steiner.
All other contents is copyright ©2004-2024 Ovidiu Oana. More info.